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Varieties of operations:

Hardware techniques mean the group of cosmetic procedures, for the special equipment is used. Hardware cosmetology is good because it allows solving cosmetic problems without surgical plasty in a short time with a minimum of pain and discomfort. Currently, there are many methods of hardware cosmetology, allowing you to select individual parameters of the procedure, taking into account all customer requirements. 

Mezoroller Mezoroller - is a rotating drum with finest solid needles of equal length, located at the same distance from each other. The device provides a uniform administration into the dermis of mesotherapeutic cocktail. In addition, the punctures of the skin with mezoroller needles facilitate the induction of collagen and elastin, and construction of new, young skin cells. As a result, the density of skin increases promoting its faster recovery. Blood and lymph circulation becomes more intense, which improves the composition of the extracellular matrix.

The method is safe and easy, there is no risk of complications. The procedure is slightly painful, in the case of hypersensitivity of the skin half an hour before the procedure it should be treated with a special anesthetic cream.

Selection of cocktails and procedure with mezoroller depends on the professional understanding of physician anatomy, histology, and pathophysiology and patient desires. All used cocktails are intended for the same as mesotherapy procedures themselves, and their choice depends on the characteristics of the problem of the patient. 


Variety of cocktails:


a) botox light (bonta 568)

b) Individual cocktail

c) mesolifting (DM-Lift)

d) mesolifting + elasticity (Silorgamine)

e) Reparation (Reparestime)



The effectiveness of mezoroller is noticeable in treatment of scars, acne, wrinkles, stretch marks and cellulite, hyperpigmentation, with a decrease in elasticity and skin tone. The method is also effectively used to stimulate hair growth on the head.


Application area:

The procedure can be performed on almost any area of the skin of the face and body.



Mezoroller can be used not more often than once a week. The full course consists of 6-10 procedures. A second course can be undergone in six months.


When to Perform:

The procedure can be performed at any time of the year. Contraindications to the procedure incluse skin diseases in the acute stage, viral and bacterial infections of the skin, allergies to metal, hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation.

Injection cosmetology is a branch of aesthetic medicine, associated with the administration of special substances subcutaneously, intradermally or intramuscularly. Injection techniques are good because they provide quick and tangible results due to targeted delivery of active substances directly in those layers of the skin or muscle, where it is needed. Due to the injection cosmetology the effective rejuvenation treatments, toning and moisturizing the skin became available.Injection cosmetology is slightly painful procedure, before which the patient has a special cream applied to "freeze" the skin. This allows avoiding the unpleasant sensations.

Manual techniques - is one of the tools for aesthetic correction of face and body, as well as improving the patient`s general state of health. The result of the application of manual techniques is to normalize the tone of facial structures, improvement of blood circulation and lymph flow, reduction of volumes in problem areas, the removal of sagging skin, smoothing the skin surface, activation of tissue metabolism. 


Manual techniques used in cosmetology, can extend the youth of the skin and significantly delay the application of botox, mesotherapy, and other drastic procedures. Manual techniques allow suspending your biological clock, and the skin will again look fresh, supple, and smooth. Furthermore, this procedure is surprisingly pleasant, improves the general emotional state, which also positively affects the appearance and general health condition.

Peeling IS the removal of the upper skin layer to further improve its appearance. Thanks to peelings you can restore the even tone and texture of skin, enhance regeneration. Peeling results will include the overall improvement in skin condition, elimination of fine wrinkles and roughness.


In our clinic we carry out acid, enzyme and phenol peels. 


Depending on the depth of the exposure all peels are divided into:

- Surface

- Median

- Deep  



Superficial peels are effective in correcting acne, oily seborrhoea, some types of hyperpigmentation, minor cosmetic defects, and early aging. Suitable for patients up to 40 years. The process of rehabilitation after peeling surface (disappearance redness) takes 1 to 3 days. 


Median peelings are indicated for more severe age-related changes of the skin, stretch marks correction, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. The rehabilitation process after a median peel takes up to 2 weeks. Full restoration of the skin occurs in 1-2 months.


Deep peels are indicated for severe age-related skin changes, scars, scars, stretch marks, deep folds, and wrinkles. Deep peels are considered invasive procedures and should be performed with anesthesia and the anesthetic in professional clinics. The full process of rehabilitation after such a procedure may be from six months, but the result is worth it. Peels help to achieve smoothing of wrinkles, improving complexion, and skin texture, narrow pores, making the skin more elastic and smooth, to get rid of blemishes and flaws. 



Superficial peeling - 3-10 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days.

Median peeling - not more than 1 time per year.

Deep peels - the number of procedures is determined individually. 


When to Perform:

Modern cosmetic tools allow using peels at any time of the year. Still, the best time to peel is autumn and winter, when the sun`s ultraviolet radiation and activity does not cause hyper-pigmentation and other unpleasant consequences. After peeling the sunscreen with an SPF with protection of not less than 35 should be applied regardless of the time of the year. We should say that the effect of the peeling procedure depends largely on the accuracy of performance of medical recommendations by the patient in terms of pre-peeling preparation and post-peeling recovery.


Contraindications for peeling face:

Aggravation of acne, exacerbation of herpes and other skin infections, presence of wounds, burns, abrasions on the skin, the presence of oncological diseases of the skin, rosacea, psoriasis, allergic rashes, elevated body temperature, as well as psycho patient without involving the patient and meticulous attitude to medical appointments. 

PReP (platlets reached plasma) is a unique method of non-surgical facial rejuvenation based on the use of platelet-rich plasma of the patient.


Platelets are the blood cells responsible for the synthesis of growth factors and repair of connective tissues - muscles, tendons, skin, bone, and collagen. Such an effect the platelets begin to exert only at a concentration of 1 million cells per unit volume; normal healthy human blood platelets should range from 180 to 230 


To enrich the plasma with platelets, to date there are several techniques within the territory of the former Soviet Union: RegenLab, and PReP: 


In RegenLab and Plasmolifting the blood is being centrifuged and passed through a chemical filter, after which the patient is administered a certain layer of the plasma from on top as a result of this treatment.


In PReP the blood is being centrifuged but does not contact with any filter. This is the method that we use in our clinic. It is the only method scientifically confirmed and verified by independent studies of the best university clinics in the US and provides for uptake in the problem area of the required number of platelets in comparison with other methods. After all, the severity of the effect in this case depends only and exclusively on the platelet concentration in plasma, and not on any other factor. 



PReP injection activates the functioning of tissue cells by activating the body`s own reserves without any drastic measures. After the platelet enriched plasma is injected under a specific pattern into the dermis of client, new fibers of collagen and elastin start developing, as well as natural skin tightening, lightening and self-moisturization. The procedure does not require anesthesia, but on request the topic anesthesia may be performed. 


Application area:

The procedure is indicated for persons after the age of 30-35 years, when the first signs emerge of skin aging and cosmetic defects. The procedure is performed to improve the turgor of the skin, eliminate wrinkles, ptosis, stretch marks, as rehabilitation after peels to treat acne and accelerate the healing process of the skin, as well as for the prevention of hair loss problems. 



PReP should be performed 1 time per year in a course consisting of 3 treatments at intervals of not less than 3 weeks between injections (or more). The effect is noticeable within a week. 


When to Perform:

The procedure can be performed at any time of the year. Contraindications to the PReP include severe diseases of internal organs, blood system diseases, viral hepatitis, diabetes, severe inflammation of the skin, pregnancy. It is very important to remember that after the procedure the bruising may occur for 5-6 days, which should be considered when planning the procedures.

Ericson laboratoire – is more than for 50 years recognized as a leader in the world of cosmetology. ERICSON LABORATOIRE specialists are introducing annually the revolutionary innovation in the variety of luxurious facials, body and bust care products. These products are intended for home care and combine the unique active ingredients and fine texture to achieve an immediate impact and long-term outcome.


For more than 40 years the Danne Montague-King (DMK) cosmetics holds a strong position among cosmetic products for professional use, treatment of significant skin problems such as acne on the face, post-acne, change in pigmentation (facial spots), demodicosis, rosacea, cellulite, scars, stretch marks and other. DMK professional cosmetics is a reliable assistant in fighting against skin aging processes of different types, intended for women and men of any age. Danne Montague-King has two product lines: for professional and home use. Danne products are based on herbal ingredients, such as stems, fruits, bark, roots, etc., which implies the possibility of their use as a prevention and skin care all states and sensitivity levels. 


Exclusive cosmetic lines of Organic Beauty and Exotic Ritual S.Tvardovska laboratory are developed together with French colleagues. Raw materials for the cosmetics are available only from the certified producers of true bio products able to grow and process environmentally friendly raw materials. The most important ingredient in cosmetics is water. To increase the effectiveness of drugs and keep the organic, use spring water extracted at the foot of the sacred mountain of Catalonia. Four active bases for Organic Beauty are extracted in various parts of the world: argan in Morocco, sesame in Mali, hazelnuts in Turkey, reproach in Burkina Faso.

Each of us dreams about how to stay young and attractive as long as possible, and captivate others with their appearance. But at times, standing before the mirror, we begin to see how the facial skin are susceptible Relentless time: it loses its tone, there are fine lines, lowered corners of her mouth, changed the face oval, etc. Expensive creams and traditional medicine are powerless in the fight for the preservation of your youth. So many men and women in the modern world have resorted to new methods of facial plastics, which are aimed at the rejuvenation of the skin and the elimination of certain defects. 


Dreaming of dimples? Or do you want to adjust their shape? Or maybe you are tired terribly horrible bags under the eyes that make your eyes expressionless, and his face - tired and lifeless? All these problems of person striving for the ideal of physical beauty can be addressed through the plastic surgery.

Each of us is familiar from the childhood with a truth the "the eyes are a mirror of the soul." To challenge it is meaningless, but for some reason, taking care of the soul, the inner world, we sometimes forget about the mirror.


It is known that the area around the eyes is aging most rapidly, and eventually, a "mirror" reflects not the state he lives with what - disturbed the harmony which we so desperately seek. 


However, lowering the lyrics, you can select another problem - drooping eyelids with age - does not look aesthetically pleasing and just spoil the mood when you look at its real reflection in the mirror.


Fortunately, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) can solve this problem. Surgery on the eyelids change eliminates the signs of age changes and helps rejuvenate literally before our eyes. 


But it`s worth noting that it is - not a single indication. Blepharoplasty will help eliminate congenital and acquired defects of age, for example, get rid of the "heavy" eyelids or bags under the eyes, and lowered outer corners of eyes. In addition, this cosmetic surgery can help change the shape or the shape of the eyes, if you are unhappy with it decisively. 


What age is optimal for blepharoplasty?

Rejuvenating surgery recommended for obvious age-related changes that were formed wrinkles and excess skin or herniation of the upper eyelid, were "bags" form in the area of the lower eyelid. That is, such operations are suitable for patients of 40 years. However, the younger patients also address with their problems. For them, blepharoplasty is a way to remove aesthetic defect, change the shape or the shape of the eyes. Sometimes this is due to the need for the presence of congenital hernias fat under the eyes, then the operation can be performed with a 18-year-olds. What is the surgery duration?First of all, we should know that blepharoplasty is less traumatic surgery, but is preferably carried out under general anesthesia, that is under anesthesia. This requirement is dictated by the need for total relaxation muscles around the eyes (the circular muscles of the eye) and the comfort of the patient during surgery, as the eye area is very sensitive, and even the injection of a local anesthetic is extremely unpleasant. The duration of operation of one century correction is 15 to 30 minutes and depends on the level of intervention, its age and the degree of difficulty or anatomical changes that need to be corrected. Thus, the average duration of the rejuvenation surgery- upper and lower eyelids plasty takes about 1-1.5 hours. Operating sections are arranged such that they are not visible after healing, as are natural folds in relief and age. After suturing incisions cosmetic seam, they are sealed with thin strips of special sterile breathable non-allergenic adhesive, which does not interfere with opening the eye, but prevents stretching and trauma seams, which gives the maximum cosmetic effect after healing. The eyelids have cold packages imposed for 1.5-2 hours. After 4-6 hours after surgery, the patient can leave the clinic. The stitches are removed 4-5 days after surgery. Easy bruising and swelling of the tissues can be kept from 7 to 10 days, but 5 days after surgery is allowed to apply make-up on the eye area.

What one shouldn’t expect from blepharoplasty? 

Those referring to the plastic surgeon should immediately know a few important things about blepharoplasty. 


Firstly, eyelid surgery does not solve the problem of facial wrinkles around the eyes. For this problem, of course, there are other solutions, such as using injection techniques to reduce muscle activity, improving elasticity and turgor of the skin around the eyes.

Secondly, eyelid surgery is contraindicated in diseases of the skin around the eyes.

And most importantly, remember that the anti-aging effect after a blepharoplasty is maintained up to 7 years. Experts do not recommend repeating blepharoplasty often than 3 times in a lifetime.

And now take a closer look to the types of blepharoplasty.

Correction of scars 


We all know that the slightest damage to the integrity of the skin leads to the formation of unsightly skin defects – the scars. In most cases, we get them in childhood. We are sure each of you has experienced something like this - you have fallen from the tree or bicycle, dissected various parts of the body, you had the appendicitis removed, you experienced bites of a dog or you fought with bullies resulted in various “battle” injuries. In the process of healing of these all the scars are formed. 


Pain in the knee is forgotten, resentment resolves, but the scars remain with us for life. Over time, they are deformed, distorted and cause a huge aesthetic and psychological discomfort. Unfortunately, this fact and have remained the same, if not a brilliant discovery of medicine - modern plastic surgery, which is able to minimize their severity. 


Types of scars and their features 


There are 4 types of scars:


- Normotrophic;

- Atrophic or hypotrophic;

- Hypertrophic;

- Keloid. 


Normotrophic scars are formed usually after acute careful dissection of tissue (injury with a sharp object or as a result of surgical intervention). They are not much different from the main skin. Elastic, not alter or distort the skin around them. 


Atrophic scars have more retracted surface. The thickness of the scar at length and width is greater than that of normotrophic, and physically located below the main skin. The scars of this type are the result of infectious diseases (eg, chickenpox), trauma, surgery, stretch marks skin tissue (in the chest, abdomen, thighs as a result of improper skin care during pregnancy, rapid weight loss or growth, etc.) 


Hypertrophic scars rise above the skin and are the result of a more rapid proliferation of connective tissue in the healing process of injured tissues, or as a result of improper care of the wound. 


Keloids are usually most pronounced: a characteristic bluish or pink color, bumpy and shiny surface, cartilage-like structure, cause itching and pain. From the width of two or three times the damage zone itself. On the surface of the body there are areas that are prone to the formation of keloids. Often they are formed in the chest, deltoids, and earlobes.


In the correction of scars the specialists have resorted to two main methods - conservative and surgical.


Conservative method of scar correction 

The conservative correction includes the following procedures:

- applying to the scar special ointments and gels;

- use of special silicone wafers;

- pressure therapy - the use of compression bandages and linen;

- x-ray therapy – bucky-therapy and close focus X-ray therapy;

- injection into the thickness of the scar and hormonal absorbable preparations;

- physiotherapy procedures using electric and phonophoresis absorbable agents;

- massage and others.


For non-surgical procedures can be attributed to different methods of scar resurfacing - laser resurfacing, cryosurgery, dermabrasion, chemical peels, and others.


Indications for conservative correction


This treatment is applicable in cases of keloid and hypertrophic scars and takes a long period of time. Its purpose is to eliminate chronic inflammation and infiltration of scar tissue and scar reduction to normotrophic state.


What is the laser surgery and its advantages? 


Laser correction is based on reducing the amount of scar tissue by evaporation or burning it, but does not affect the area on the skin surface. 


Surgical scar correction method 


The most effective and safest method of scar correction is surgery. The procedure is applicable in the case of correction of hypo- and hypertrophic scars. The specialist conducts the removal of the scar, and then stitches the skin layer by layer edge, distributing tension to the deeper layers. Thus, the epidermis is exposed to the minimum load that allows you to apply a cosmetic seam with little or no tension. 


Features of the postoperative period


A few days after the operation, the patient should wear a bandage. After removal of sutures for several weeks it is recommended to use various gels based on silicon. The time of formation of the scar is 3-8 months (depending on the characteristics of the skin, scar placement, etc.). As a result of this operation significantly improves the condition of the scar and its visualization. 


Correction of contractures 


Scars formed as a result of burns or other injuries that suffered the loss of a certain area of the skin can pull off the edge of the area around the damaged area. This entails a disruption of the surrounding muscles and joints that may affect the completeness and naturalness of movement, gait, etc. In this case, we apply the method of excision of the scar and transplant the required flap of skin tissue at the damaged area.


Such operations are carried out under general anesthesia with the mandatory hospitalization of the patient. Healing and recovery can take several months. Over the next year the patient is recommended to wear a bandage fixing. 




This surgical technique is aimed at modification of rumen according natural skin lines and folds, which makes it less noticeable. Old scar is removed and in its place a new incisions are made, separating the skin into triangular patches. Then, these patches are reversed, and the shape of the scar reminds in outlines the letter Z. The wound is superimposed with the cosmetic sutures, which can be removed after a few days. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia and requires hospitalization. The result of the procedure: the scar remains, but its expression is significantly reduced. 


What individual characteristics should be taken into account while the correction of scars? 


The results of various scars correction techniques can be affected by the following factors:

- The place of the scar

The thinner and more elastic is the skin, the less noticeable will be the scar. For example, scars in the skin age almost invisible, while the same scar on the back will have pronounced contours.

- The cutting line

The more accurate the scar line follows the natural lines and folds of skin, the more natural it looks, and sometimes not at all noticeable.

- Age

Young people tissue scarring is much more active. In older people, the activity of the scar tissue is reduced and scars are completely invisible.

- Colour of the skin

The skin of black people, mulattoes is more prone to the formation of keloids. The owners of a lighter, pale skin has a predisposition to the formation of hypertrophic scars reddish hue. 


Contradictions for scar correction 

If you suffer from inflammatory diseases of the skin, rosacea, herpes, atopic dermatitis, acute systemic diseases, the number of plastic treatments is contraindicated.

“My legs are not as beautiful, I just know what to do with them”, - said at due time the world famous actress and singer, and concurrently, a charming woman, Marlene Dietrich. 


Times are changing, but beauty ideals - both female and male - remain the same: we all want to be captivate and charming towards surrounding through our outer beauty, ease, and appeal. 


Slim, embossed, chiseled legs, – is a source of pride and envy of both women and men. You can spend hours on end in the gym, putting in your desired physical appearance the inordinate amount of time, labor and money. And you do not always have the successful result guaranteed. Our clinic offers you the perfect solution to the problem of imperfect leg shape - an increase in the amount of change in shape with the lower legs implants. 


In what cases should you resort to lower legs prosthetic? 


Unaesthetic appearance shin may be caused by a number of congenital or acquired defects: 


- Calf muscles are underdeveloped;

- You suffer from muscle wasting, which appeared as a result of any disease (neurological, etc.);

- Lower leg bones are twisted and deformed;

- You are concerned about excessive fullness and thinness of the lower leg, knee, etc. 


The reasons for the leg prosthetic can vary - it all depends on your requirements to the appearance. But the solution is one - a safe and effective method of prosthetics with implants, which is able to cope with any cosmetic problem. 


What is it – curvature of the legs? 


Depending on the shape, curvature of the legs can be true and false. 


The curvature is considered true if the shin bone is deformed, as evidenced by its internal circuit defect in the region of the clamping point of the ankle to crotch (G-strain) and lack of a point of contact at the ankles thighs serried (X-strain). To cope with this problem the technique will help of corrective osteotomy (removal of the lower extremities imbalances, increasing growth, curvature correction, etc.) 


False bending - is, above all, improper distribution of soft tissue in the area of the lower leg, which may be an outward sign of special structure of the lower limb. This problem can be addresses with the help of successfully implanted prosthetic of calf muscles. 


What you need to know about shin implants?   


- Implants, which are used for correcting the shape of the tibia, implants are similar to breast cancer, but have a spindle shape.


- Implants are made of silicone (shell and filler) have a different size and shape, rough or smooth surface, elastic structure. All these features of the material help our specialists successfully conduct the implantation procedure, taking into account all the individual characteristics of each patient.


- Silicone shin implants are certified and approved for use in plastic surgery for the past fifty years and meet all FDA quality standards.  


 How the implant prostheses surgery is performed?


 The lower legs prosthetic provide for general anesthesia. The operation itself lasts for no longer than an hour. During surgery the surgeon makes a small incision in the popliteal area, produces the offset of muscle tissue for the placement of implants, which are able to increase the tibia or adjust its path. The implant is placed under the gastrocnemius muscle, which ensures its reliable fixing in position.

Surgery to implant silicone prosthesis often goes on the back or side of the leg. 


Features of the recovery period 


The very next day after the surgery, the patient can walk, take a shower, and, if desired, leave the hospital. However, according to the recommendations he should stay in the hospital for at least  2 days.

Pain and slight swelling of the tibia can be maintained for 5 to 7 days.

In the first week after surgery it is useful to exercise hiking, perform simple exercise. After two or three weeks it will be possible to return to the regular lifestyle. During this time you should avoid wearing of shoes on high heels. Get special tights with "sculpting" effect that you will be wearing the first time after the operation.The active sports can be introduced in 6 weeks after surgery.


Liposuction is a method of correcting the full shins 


Excessive fullness of shin, knee-band, ankle caused by an excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in these areas is not a less painful problem for many. In this case, liposuction can cope with the physical defect. This operation is most often performed to remove fatty tissue in the area above the knee and hips. Generally, the operation takes place in two stages: half legs alternately operated by a circle in order to avoid swelling. The time period between operations is 2-3 months.

Before the operation, you will be examined by a specialist, who will determine the thickness of the fat tissue in the subject area and level of mobility.

Procedures with the adipose tissue are also held in the case of correction of the curvature of the legs: adipose tissue is «transplanted" to the desired area of the area where its concentration is superfluous (thighs, stomach). 


In what cases the shin plasty is contradicted?


If you suffer from diseases such as varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, plastic surgery for your shins is contraindicated.

In any case, do not forget that beautiful and slender legs can easily pave the way to the heart of any man. We guarantee you improvement of their external beauty, as well as durable and long-lasting effect of the operation. 

Buttocks prosthesis


$ 300 mln! No, it`s not the price of a luxury villa in Miami. This is the cost of the buttocks of the famous Latin American singer and actress Jennifer Lopez behind, who prudently insured her main advantage. To have resilient, smart, attractive buttocks - is a luxury, which, alas, is not available from nature for all. Each of us have its specific anatomical features, genetic predispositions, physical training and leads a different lifestyles. All these factors may adversely affect the appearance (shape, size, contour, etc.) of the buttocks. But the vast potential of modern plastic surgery offers a chance for everyone to get the desired shape of the sexiest parts of our body.


Indications of buttocks plasty 


Gluteoplasty (buttocks plasty with silicone implants) is a very common surgery in the field of modern plastic surgery. If you`re still scared of the outdated stereotypes that the buttocks after the surgery become huge and it can be seen "far off", we hasten to assure you that this is not true. Modern silicone implants are of high quality and can fully meet the needs and wishes of the patient. As a result, you get what you have dreamed of for so long – smart buttocks of desired shape and size. And a lot of pleasure from the new sensations of your body! 


If you encounter the problems such as

- Drooping buttocks

- Asymmetry of the buttocks

- Lack of muscle volume of the buttocks

- Atrophy of gluteus

- Deformation of the buttocks,

Gluteoplasty will help you to address any of them. 


Are there any age contradictions for gluteoplasty? 


The buttocks prosthesis is performed at any age, for both women and men.


 What is the peculiarity of modern implants for the buttocks? 


The main feature of the material, which is widely used for buttocks plasty, is its quality, ensuring complete safety of the patient`s health and long-lasting result. The new shell of the implant (silicone elastomer) now has a very solid structure. Silicone gel, which fills this shell, is extremely malleable and ductile, and has a shape memory that gives your buttocks a natural look.


Therefore, you will not notice no artificiality and discomfort both at touch and look. In addition, an individual approach to each patient is a priority of our clinic. An experienced surgeon will tell you in detail about the buttocks correction procedure; perform thorough examination and pick up the implant, which is fully consistent in size and shape with  your body and personal wishes.


 The buttocks prosthesis procedure 


This type of plasty takes approximately 1.5-2 hours. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision between the buttocks within the coccyx area. The implants are placed under the buttock muscles, which are stratified during operation. As a result, the silicone prosthesis are securely "hidden" and protected by muscle and adipose tissue. The incision  is has an internal cosmetic seam applied. 


Postoperative period


 After gluteoplasty the patient is recommended to sleep for some time on the stomach. The next five days he will need to wear a special compression garment and refrain from significant physical loads. After 10 days, the expert will be able to remove the seam, the traces of which will disappear in the nearest future. 


The first 5-7 days after surgery the patient will experience mild pain and discomfort when walking, sitting, and standing up since the buttocks area is very mobile. Often, the experts advise patients to spend 2-3 days after the surgery in the hospital. In some cases, patients do not need hospitalization, and within few hours after the surgery can be discharged home. 


The risk of complications during surgery or during rehabilitation is minimal.


Six weeks after gluteoplasty you can resume to your normal life routine. This underlines once again the fact that the buttock prosthetic with silicone implants is the most effective way to get the desired results within the short-term period.


Remember that sexy, emancipated, flourishing, and harmonious body is now in vogue in the world of modern and successful women and men. Do not let the flat and sagging behind make you feel insecure, and overshadow the effect you make on others. After all, the beautiful buttocks are an integral part of our beauty. It should attract the admiring glances with its ideal form. And let the tabloids write that your buttocks is worthy of billion dollars coverage! 

Most people are not happy with their body, of course, you can combat many shortcomings by diet or exercise, but many of the problems can be solved only by plastic surgery. 


Surgeon can often be compared to a sculptor who creates ideal proportions, fine work with the material and get the expected result. Most similar metaphor is appropriate when the master gets to body lipoplasty. 


Lipoplasty consists of several stages:

1. Liposuction, i.e. collection of fat cells from a certain area of  the body where there is their surplus;

2. The selection of viable fat cells and purifying them from unwanted impurities;

3. The introduction of the cells into the desired areas, or actual liposculpture;


 Lipoplasty allows creating the desired contours of the body, by interleaving the volume of fat cells. 


This plasty is suitable for those who are "redundant" reserves of fat in the hips and abdomen. In fact, lipoplasty helps eliminate undesirable fat deposits in places where they are in excess, but can also add volume to where it is needed. It turns out that lipoplasty literally "sculpts" new improved body shape, solving two problems at once. 


Fat transplantation


Fat deposits on the body - can not only bring disorder, but also benefit. Do not be surprised, after all that for you - the extra problems for the surgeon - working material. Now we are talking about our own fatty tissue. It better meets the needs of aesthetic surgery and allows you to reconstruct the desired areas of the body and face. 


First of all, this material is used for rejuvenation programs. It is no secret that with age, the middle part of the face, many people lose the amount of fat under the skin and needs to maintain volume. In these patients, transplantation of adipose tissue gives excellent results. In addition, transplantation of adipose tissue is used to rejuvenate the facial contours, cheeks or lips, and correction of wrinkles.


And, of course, there is a separate area of plastic surgery, where fat is used - this replenishing adipose tissue volume in the buttocks and breasts. Naturally when we learn about the use of such a miraculous fat in plastic surgery, a logical question arises: if the fat is so useful, wouldn’t its extraction harm to human health? The answer is simple. Auto fat in the human body is more than enough, and when the manipulation is carried out in the amount of fat intake of 200-300 ml - withdrawal of such amount may not harm the body.


 Advantages of the transplantation of adipose tissue 


The greatest advantage of auto fat is high content of stem cells, which are ideally affecting the quality of the skin and have anti-aging effect. A plasticity of fat allows you to perform any manipulation on filling volume, to form a new breast contour, buttocks, legs, face, and other body parts.


It is also important that the operation to transplant fat is considered to be simple and in most cases it can be done under local anesthesia, and transplanted tissue survives well. 


Furthermore, such transplants can not cause allergies or rejection, because for the operation uses its own fatty tissue of the patient.

Bodylifting: lifting any part of the body


Any woman dreams to have always tightened thighs, buttocks, back, arms, and legs. Modern plastic surgery solves this problem by bodylifting - excising the excess skin from the body.


Why do women, in principle, may have a similar problem? There are many reasons for that - age, which leads to a hormonal imbalance, and the process of pregnancy and childbirth, many factors causes loss of skin elasticity, and as a consequence - down women`s self-esteem. And since the modern women are often not limited in the choice of means the option of plastic surgery - bodylifting – is considered by many. Especially because this type of surgery, in general, is safe, and most importantly, the effect is fast enough.



Become a model just for one day, removing the excess skin. - It would seem so simple, but at the same time as difficult, why do bodylifting if you can make a liposuction procedure which is better known and proven? Do not rush: bodylifting - not just the removal of fat and excess skin excision is. The difference is fundamental.


Although bodylifting may be the final stage of liposuction, for example, after the removal of a large amount of fat, the skin just hangs down. Or it may be carried out and as a standalone procedure if overweight patient, but there is only the need to tighten the droopy skin.


Risk group: weigh and prepare thoroughly


Before considering the bodylifting procedure, be sure to consult with a doctor. To the slightest detail weigh all the risks and potential consequences, and soberly assess their state: the fact that the patient is applying for such an operation should have a stable reason, but if you are in the weight loss phase, the operation effect will be offset.


Expectant mothers are also better not to take risks and think about bodylifting after childbirth.


At risk were those who had bariatric surgery done - reduced size of the stomach, or in other words, accelerated movement of food by the stomach and intestines.


Be sure to remember: this is a complex operation, which lasts a few hours and only under anesthesia. In addition, the rehabilitation process is long and quite strict: each patient is required to wear a special compression garment, as well as avoiding heavy physical exertion, and is forced to forget about visiting saunas and solariums for up to 1-3 months.  

The beautiful tummy is a dream for everyone, but unfortunately, not everyone is able to accomplish this on its own. And you want to show off on the beach or even in the mirror and admire ideal figure. And the fashion trends constantly suggest girls to bare bellies, but to follow this trend can only the owners of the flat and the beautiful belly. By the way, not only women dream of ideal forms, very often, the men want to improve their body. 


Do not be discouraged if you can not get a beautiful shape through diet, exercise, and sports massages. Very often the problem lies in the genetic predisposition or appears after pregnancy, and possibly unsightly view of the abdomen is acquired as a result of age-related changes. These defects are very difficult to change through sport, and sometimes even impossible. And get rid of the hernia, or change the shape of the navel you can only with help of a plastic surgeon. 


To get started you should figure out what problems can be solved by abdominoplasty (tummy plasty). Of course, all customer requirements can be reduced to one - to improve the external appearance of the abdomen, but among the most common we can identify the following:


 - remove excess fat in the abdominal area;

- eliminate the sag apron;

- remove stretch marks;

- tighten the abdominal muscles;

- create a beautiful waist;

- remove the hernia;

- move the navel or create a new form. 


Let’s find out, what are the methods of abdominoplasty and what each of them intends for. 

Correction of nipple 


The appearance of the nipple can change after pregnancy, as well as being inherently wrong. The nipple can be drawn (sunken) or flat. 


For such operations the microsurgical operation is used during which the breast tissue is not affected. The operation provides for a very small incision - no longer than 1 centimetre. Therefore, after the manipulation no scars remain. Sometimes, however, this operation is accompanied by the intersection of the milk ducts that will involve in the future the impossibility of lactation. But the doctor will warn you, if such an operation will be needed to solve the problem.Most operations are performed under local anesthesia, but in order to provide a comfort it is better to carry out the operation under general anesthesia. The nipple correction surgery lasts for about 15-30 minutes. The patient may return to the regular lifestyle in 2-3 days.

Breast halo plasty

Sometimes it happens so that one small detail can spoil the whole image. Even a beautiful shape of the breast can be "spoiled" with abnormal development of the nipple or halo asymmetry. Often, women are paying particular attention to such shortcomings, which do not give them a rest. We all know that there is no limit to perfection, but still, plastic surgery can help on the way to it. 


Women who have too large halo (the aesthetic norm is the diameter of 3.8-4.5 cm) or irregularly shaped halo, and the nipples disproportionate or retracted, can apply to the surgeon and get rid of the problem. Note that many of these flaws are not related to the functioning of the female body (except of inverted nipples) and are considered to be only an aesthetic problem. 


Before surgery, the patient must visit a consultation, as well as undergo a number of examinations. In addition, it should be remembered that some of the rules and recommendations will have to be met after the operation. For example, you should use special creams and patches, but this should be definitely explained by the doctor in detail. Note also that taking a shower after the operation is possible only on the second day, and during the first weeks after surgery it is better to sleep on the backs. Remember that after the operation the painful increase or decrease in breast tenderness may occur. 


Correction of halo


Halo size may increase after pregnancy, but sometimes it is a birth defect that affects the confidence of women. Addressing the surgeons of our clinic, you can get rid of the psychological discomfort and gain confidence in yourself.


The operation of the halo correction can be a self-manipulation, but sometimes it is held in conjunction with a breast lift or correcting asymmetry. 


The operation, aimed at amending the pigmented area does not affect the breast and is safe enough. This correction allows you to reduce the size of the halo to the required parameters.

Let us not hide the fact that the breast for many women - a cause for pride, because a beautiful neckline always gives confidence. Maybe someone will sceptically note that the most important thing in woman is different, but few would refute the beauty of well-groomed and firm breasts. Unfortunately, the natural beauty may fade, but beautiful breasts, due to the different changes in a woman`s body, change shape - to fall. This "omission" is called ptosis and can be fixed with the breast lift (mastopexy).Let`s first understand what the cause of ptosis is. Most of these changes occur after the end of the period of pregnancy and lactation. At first, the woman hormones change, and therefore, the breast increases, and skin is stretched. In the postpartum period, the woman loses weight, but sometimes the skin and ligaments do not restore its former shape. In addition, ptosis can occur due to rapid weight loss, as well as age-related decline secrete breast skin elasticity. Mastopexy will cope with all the problems and return the former beauty of your breasts, as well as your self-confidence.



Of course, whether you fit this or that operation, and what issues should be noted, in the first place - the surgeon decides. Attentive doctor sof our clinic will listen to all your concerns and recommend the best way out. We will note that mastopexy is not recommended to girls who are planning to have children. In fact, after a mastopexy you may have trouble feeding and after pregnancy the breast may lose its shape again. But if there are objective reasons for the operation (pronounced ptosis) operation is possible with preservation of the milk ducts.In addition, the mastopexy is contraindicated in pronounced fibrocystic breast disease, bleeding disorders; oncological diseases and severe somatic and systemic disease.To decide whether the patient can undergo mastopexy it should be examined by oncologist-mammologist and pass special instrumental studies: breast ultrasound, if necessary, mammography or CT scan of the mammary glands. 


The postoperative period

It is understood that after mastopexy as after any other operation, you may have unpleasant sensation and discomfort. Of course, it is necessary to tell this to the doctor. Most often discomfort is resolved in a week after the operation, but every body reacts differently to surgery and rehabilitation period is absolutely unique.It is important for the patient to follow some rules, helping thus to recover himself. For example, it is necessary to wear a special compression garment for a month, and exercise is recommended to renew only a month after the operation, the load is gradually resuming.

Reducing plasty of breasts (reduction mastopexy)

As we know, women often are not satisfied with something they have. So, the owner of straight hair will always dream of curly, and vice versa. It turns out the same way with the volume of the breast - girls who do not have outstanding forms, think about augmentation, but the busty ladies – about reduction. And to be serious, the latter have a good reason for this.Sometimes large breasts provide its owner with a big problem. For the large forms are often combined with sagging breasts, or asymmetry. Furthermore, breast hypertrophy can have consequences. Including the physiological ones – a woman experiences pain in the shoulders and back, practical - problems with the sport, and sometimes with the selection of clothes or underwear, and ending up with the psychological problems. 


Reduction mastopexy may help in addressing these problems. During this operation the volume of the breast is reduced, there is lift, and breast becomes beautiful and with a correct form. 


Whether you need such an operation you will understand after consulting specialist in our clinic. But above all, it is necessary to get acquainted with contraindications. Reducing mastopexy is not suitable for women who have any physical problems, as well as colds at the time of surgery. 


The operation takes about 3 hours. After surgery, the patient must observe some of the recommendations - to wear special clothes, as well as to limit the exercise. 


Types of reduction mastopexy

Reducing breast surgery is performed using the same methods as conventional mammoplasty. 


• Vertical reducing mastopexy;

During the operation, the incision is performed along the lines of the special markup, bordering the area of the skin of the mammary glands, which must be removed. After the skin incisions and removal of excess, reduces the amount of glandular tissue. After skin suturing a scar remains around the halo and vertically stretching down to the submammary fold. 


• Reducing mastopexy with anchor-like incision;

This method is most often used in the reduction mastopexy with large volumes of breast reduction and severe degree of sagging. During this operation, there is a reduction and tightening gland not only vertically but also horizontally through an incision in the submammary crease.


• Periareolar reducing mastopexy;

Periareolar method is less often used to reduce breast size. This operation allows you to remove only a small amount and is recommended only to get rid of asymmetry.Of course, what method of surgery fits for you better, should be decided during consultation by an experienced surgeon of our clinic. 

Breast Augmentation is hardly probable not the most common plastic surgery. However, this is not surprising. Despite the evolution at some level of consciousness we keep the allegations that large breasts, in ancient times - a symbol of fertility, more attracted to men and makes women confident.

The women are doing everything in the pursuit of an ideal. On the path to perfection girls try a variety of folk methods, get interested in all sorts of physical exercises, and even buy special trainers! But it does not say that it as effective as the plastic surgery.

Of course, many women decide on such an operation out of a desire to please men, or more than in the struggle with their own complexes, but it is necessary to recognize that breast surgery is the need caused not by the thrust of the ideal, but real problems - congenital or acquired.


Indications and contraindications

Consider the main indications for such an operation, which certainly will help you decide on the need for surgical intervention. In general the breast operation is recommended for congenital hypoplasia or aplasia. Also, it is no secret that most women have asymmetrical breasts; just in someone the difference is hardly noticeable, while others - more palpable. In such cases, the operation is recommended with the selected implants of different sizes. Breast reconstruction also requires the removal of breast due to cancer.

Often surgeons are addressed after the breast loses its shape and beauty due to age-related changes, after childbirth or breastfeeding, as well as after massive weight loss. If the changes are significant, in addition to the use of implants the breast lift is performed.

Before you decide on such an operation, you should know that there are contraindications, for example, diseases that interfere with healing wounds or problems with the immune background. But consultation with an experienced surgeon can help you decide on the operation, after weighing all the pros and cons.



Naturally before the surgery you are interested in the implant itself - of what it is made and what is it. The surgeons of our clinic will answer your questions in the course of consultations, as well as pick up the kind of implant that suits you, taking into account all of your features and requirements. Implants can be round and teardrop-shaped (anatomical). But it is necessary to know that all implants have a silicone shell, but the content may be different - saline or silicone hydrogel. It is worth noting, that silicone filler is the most popular, because such implants, in appearance and touch - are more natural. And this is an effective argument for any woman.


The main fears before surgery

Let us not hide the fact that the beauty and sensitivity of the breast for women is important, and therefore a variety of fears arise at the thought of plastic surgery. Hesitating on a similar plasty the girls are concerned and each having their questions or fear. Believe, no one understands the girl as a plastic surgeon. During the consultation, you can ask any question to the doctor, which for sure will dispel your fears and find the optimal solution to the problem. But now, we talk only about the most common fears.

Many women are concerned that the breast surgery will not allow them to breastfeed. It is not true! The presence of implants does not affect breast-feeding, and the milk will never contain silicone, which is a fear of many moms.

Also, do not be afraid of the discomfort. It is understood that immediately after surgery, you may have different feelings, including the reduction of nipple sensitivity. However, a few weeks later the body will no longer accept the implant as a foreign body.

Another fear - scars. Of course, no one wants to spoil the beauty with the breast scars,. It is worth knowing that in six months the seams are invisible, but even if you are not satisfied with that- there are a variety of cosmetic methods that can fix this.


Consider the main types of operations.

Otoplasty (plastic ears, droopy ears correction)


Appearance - is your versatile and unique business card around the world, so every detail of it is of great value. All in you - from the cut eye to color of the nail polish - is constantly evaluated by others. And what they think about your ears? Do you familiar with the problem of droopy ears and others, very unsightly, pinna defects?


Usually in the childhood we suffer from ridicule from the peers due to incorrect shape and position of the ears. The situation is exacerbated adolescence: as a vulnerable teenager begins to feel self-doubt, closed inside it, suffers from depression and complexes. In youth, when we are ready to conquer the whole world, this problem can become a heavy obstacle to self-realization - the person feels not relaxed and confident enough for visual defects. The fair sex representatives are forced to hide protruding ears under the long, lush curls, while men have only minimal chances to hide this defect.


We are pleased to invite you to forget about this problem once and for all. Modern plastic surgery is rich in virtuosic and budgetary methods of getting rid of visible cosmetic defects that plague your life. One iof them s otoplasty is an operation to change the shape or size of the ears. 


Who needs the otoplasty? 


Our specialists successfully work to eliminate such cosmetic ear defects:  

- Protruding pinna (droopy ears); 

- Microtia (insufficiently developed external ear or lack thereof); 

- Posttraumatic (split ear lobe, etc.), congenital defects of the ear, scars; 

- Age-related changes lobes, the deformation of the ear; 

- Asymmetry in the size or position of the ears; 

- Unsatisfactory ear size (too big or too small, etc.).    



 In each case, the individual method is chosen to resolve the problem of ears. 


What the preparation for the surgery provides for?


First of all, you must pass the required medical examinations and tests to confirm the readiness of your physical condition to otoplasty.

If you smoke, we advise you to refrain from smoking for 2-3 weeks before and 2-3 weeks after the surgery, which will promote rapid healing of postoperative wounds.

If you are simultaneously being treated with another specialist and take any medication, you should notify our clinic specialist and undergo further consultation. 


Aesthetic and reconstructive otoplasty 


In modern plastic surgery, there are two types of ears correction: aesthetic and reconstructive plastic.Aesthetic otoplasty is aimed at creating the desired shapes and sizes of ears that correspond to the ideal proportions and are able to emphasize the attractiveness of your face and naturalness; elimination of small and medium cosmetic defects, etc. 


Reconstructive plastic is a deeper correction of the pinna, aimed at the restoration of the missing parts of the ear, transplant injured areas, elimination of congenital anomalies of the ear, etc. 


Otoplasty procedure and postoperative period

Aesthetic otoplasty    



On average, the surgery to remove the ears defects lasts for 1-2 hours under local or general anesthesia. Otoplasty does not require a long hospital stay – within a few hours the patient is discharged home, after putting the elastic cotton-gauze bandage. 


When aesthetic otoplasty surgeon makes a small incision behind the ear, makes to the desired shape of ear cartilage and fixes its internal seams. At that, the operative scar is completely invisible, as it is located on the back side of the ear.During the next week you will be wearing a special fixing bandage, which can be removed at the end of this period, together with sutures. A few days after the surgery it will be slightly noticeable the swelling and small bruises. You can restore the normal lifestyle in two to three weeks after otoplasty.


Reconstructive otoplasty  



In reconstructive otoplasty the specialist has to restore the ear partially or completely, so the procedure takes a longer period of time and is carried out in three stages.  



The first step: creation of cartilage matrix and its implantation in the subcutaneous cavity (2-6 months post-operative recovery).


The second stage: size correction and position of the ear, creating BTE region.


The third phase: formation of the relief of the ear, ear lobe.  


The entire procedure of reconstructive otoplasty takes 12-14 months (depending on the individual characteristics of the patient), and requires a longer recovery period. 


Otoplasty for Your Child 


In order to avoid many of the negative consequences that may arise in your baby due to ridicule on his droopy ears, or any other cosmetic defects (trauma, complexes, isolation, exclusion), we recommend you to take care of his appearance in early childhood. 


The optimum age for otoplasty in children is 6 years or more. Modern plastic surgery techniques allow for this type of surgery to be safe and with all the features of the further growth and development of the ear.Children otoplasty, is usually performed under general anesthesia. 


In conclusion, it should be noted that otoplasty  is a simple and very effective way to bring the appearance in perfect condition. Say "no" to your constraint and moral discomfort, become more confident and state to the outside world about your beauty and attractiveness.


Many of our patients, who successfully underwent otoplasty procedure, can boast of a marked improvement in the personal and professional life. Change for the better, seek harmony with the environment, and love yourself and implement your dream. And we are happy to help you with this.

Female face has long been recognized as the hallmark of each of us, to which, of course, everyone pays attention - including our loved ones, colleagues and interlocutors, and even passers-by. Knowing this, is there a woman who does not want to have a toned, well-groomed and youthful face? And to be young and beautiful at any age the girls have to start the skincare treatments of face in a young age, listening to completely different recommendations, and using a variety of cosmetics. And what if just a care is already inefficient? Here comes the plastic surgery, or rather its special direction – contour plasty.


All procedures that are relevant to the contouring, help to improve the appearance and skin tone, adjust the contours and chin oval, cheekbones, and cheeks, as well as help to restore lost volume, filling in lines and wrinkles and make lips fuller and clearer, as well as help smooth forehead and even correct a significant asymmetry of the face.Contour plasty has a number of methods, each of which gives the result in a particular area and has its own advantages and disadvantages. Consider the main ones. 

Chubby and sexy lips - means your femininity, tenderness and sensuality, which is able to fascinate not one man`s heart. In today`s world of high technologies and talented specialists to become the owner of seductive lips is not a problem. If you decide to increase or decrease the size of the lips, change their shape or contour to eliminate congenital / posttraumatic defects or fine lines of the lips, "raise" the corners of the mouth to make your smile more youthful and glamorous, to help you come a wide range of plastic surgery procedures.

The surgical method of lip correction - is the traditional method of lip augmentation, as well as the elimination of post-traumatic and congenital visual deficiencies. After this procedure you will need a relatively long recovery period and subject to strict rules and doctor`s instructions.

More recently, in addition to plastic surgery of lips the contour plasty was added that will help you achieving the desired aesthetic effect, without the volumetric surgery, and provides an opportunity to return the original shape of the lips. Contour - it`s quick and safe to bring your lips in perfect shape.

Cheiloplasty and its variants, bulhorn, torch lift the upper lip, prosthetics lips, lipoplasty and other types of injectable lip augmentation, lifting corners of the mouth and the elimination of "sad" folds - these are the main varieties of lip plastics that you can successfully experience for yourself in our clinic.

In what cases should you refrain from lip augmentation procedure?

Your health and satisfaction with the appearance and well-being is the primary task for us. We strongly recommend that you refrain from plastic procedures if you: 




  • are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • are suffering from an infectious skin disease;
  • experiencing inflammation in the body;
  • have experience of rejection of foreign bodies and drugs, etc.   






Turning to our clinic, you will pass the full course of the survey and get all the necessary information about the state of your health and the feasibility of the desired procedure. 

IPL - therapy “TRIOS” (photo-epilation, photo-rejuvenation, acne photo-therapy) 


TRIOS photo-epilation is a unique technology that allows to deal effectively with a hair growth in undesired places.



Photo-epilation is considered to be moderately painful procedure, but no anesthesia is required, except in particularly sensitive areas (bikini, underarms, and upper lip). During the procedure the patient feels a slight tingling. With each procedure the discomfort reduces due to the fact that less living hair is remained.


It is absolutely safe to remove the unwanted hair using this method. The procedure is highly effective; all kinds of hair on all skin types are removed for the years to come.


How it works: the effectiveness of photo-epilation is based on selective photothermolysis. When skin is exposed to the light pulse, the specific skin tissue targets (chromophores) are warmed up and absorb certain wavelengths of light. When working in the photo-epilation mode, a pulse of light is absorbed by the hair follicle, which contributes to its destruction.



Removal of unwanted and discoloured hair. Treatment of acne and anti-aging skin changes. 


Application area:

Bikini area, area above the lip, cheeks, chin, armpits, feet area, arms, abdomen. 



To achieve a sustainable effect it is required to carry out a number of procedures. The interval between treatments depends on the individual rate of hair growth in a particular area to be treated. It is usually necessary to repeat the procedure 5-8 times.

Caution! 3-4 days before the procedure it is necessary to shave off hair at the planned treatment area using a razor.


Photo-epilation is not recommended if you have cold sores in the area to be treated, in the presence of keloid scars, vitiligo, tattooing, if you are diagnosed with epilepsy, diabetes, skin cancer during pregnancy and lactation. Also it is not allowed to have  the procedure before going out on the sun and after intensive tanning for 3-4 weeks before the procedure. The administration of anticoagulants, isotretinoin (commonly used to treat acne) and other photo-sensitive drugs or herbs within 2 weeks before the procedure. The treated area should have no moles. 


TRIOS photorejuvenation is intended for the treatment of photodamaged, aged skin. Symptoms for the procedure include solar pigmentation, chromatosis, telangiectasia (dilation of small blood vessels end), acne rosacea. After the procedure skin becomes more uniform, radiant and younger looking. Despite the fact that the improvement of texture and color can be observed after the first treatment in order to obtain long-lasting results you need to have 4-6 procedures  (depending on symptoms) with an interval of 3-4 weeks.


Acne photo-therapy gently but very effectively acts on the moderately inflamed acne (papules, pustules and few nodules).

8-12 procedures are required at the intervals of 2 treatments per week, despite the fact that an improvement is observed after the first treatment.

Biorevitalization of the lip area is a procedure allowing resistance to the age-related changes such as atony, dryness, volume change of the lips, emergence of vertical wrinkles, fuzzy contour. Biorevitalization of lips is a medical procedure that is ideal for those who are not ready for lip volume expansion procedure, but wants its lips to look more attractive and young. 


Our clinic uses Restylane Refresh for this procedure. The product contains pure stabilized hyaluronic acid with particles of equal size. The use of this product provides 100% desired result. Restylane refresh has all the properties necessary for the correction of lips age changes. 



Lost volume, fuzzy contour of the lips, signs of aging, shape correction. The administration of this product prolongs the effect of the previous filling or other correction of lips and makes it more natural. 



The procedure effect is preserved for approximately three months. The procedure can be repeated after 5-8 months depending on the initial state of the lips, age and lifestyle (smoking, sun exposure). Contraindications:Biorevitalization is restricted to persons with cancer, diabetes, acute herpes, autoimmune diseases, acute infectious diseases and hypersensitive to the drug. 


Biorevitalization is restricted to persons with cancer, diabetes, acute herpes, autoimmune diseases, acute infectious diseases and hypersensitive to the drug. 

This is a method to change the lip shape, contour, volume at patient`s desire, or due to the pronouncement of cosmetic defects (fuzzy contour, asymmetry, wrinkles, scarring, thinning). For that end the gels are used based on hyaluronic acid (most common and safest), lactic acid, and collagen. 


If you decide on a procedure for lip correction, make sure that the product being administered (filler) is registered within the territory of Ukraine, and the physician performing the procedure has the experience in similar procedures over several years. 


Lip area is considered very painful, so in order for the procedure to be comfortable for the patient the anaesthesia is used. The anaesthesia includes cream applied or conduction anaesthesia (injection into gingiva or mucosa of the lips).



Insufficient volume, lip asymmetry, fuzzy contour, flattening of the lips, signs of aging (wrinkles, drooping corners). 


Implications of the fillers

The procedure results can be evaluated not earlier than in two weeks, when the swelling completely falls. Noticeable swelling falls usually in 3-5 days. In two weeks it becomes clear whether the desired result was achieved. If the asymmetry resolved incompletely, you may need additional correction (so called retuch). Re-introduction of the filler is usually carried out in 2 weeks. 


If you are dealing with an experienced physician, the side effects are rare. But, nevertheless, the patient may occasionally face such consequences as the pronounced swelling, hematoma, lips erythema. If undesirable effects persist for 7-10 days, be sure to visit the physician. 


After the procedure you need to exclude visiting sauna, fitness, solarium, kissing, minimize the articulation, and follow other individual physician’s recommendations. Within 2-3 hours you can apply cold (ice) for 10-15 minutes to reduce edema. 



The effect of lips expansion procedure is preserved up to 6 months in average. After the gel degrades lips acquire original size and shape, but it will occur gradually, without “collapse” effect.


The lips expansion procedure is restricted to persons below 18 years of age, as well as during pregnancy, lactation, in persons with diabetes, arthritis, acute herpes, autoimmune diseases, acute infectious diseases and hypersensitive to the drug. 



If you have a history of herpes of any localization, you need to take antiviral drugs before and after the procedure. Visit the physician in this case in advance of the scheduled date of lips correction.If you have previously used the non-degradable gels (silicone, etc.), be sure to notify your physician! In such cases, IT IS ABSOLUTELY CONTRAINDICATED to administer any filler other than auto-fat (genuine fat).

Every person has the problem areas, against which it can and must fight in a variety of ways. But it also happens so that the body fat, or local hyperadiposis, at a certain area of  the body or face can not be removed with physical exercise or diet. In such cases, surgeons recommend to resort it with liposuction. This operation allows modelling the contours of the human body, creating a new silhouette and eliminating the problem areas.

Believe us, after work of the professional surgeon of our clinic, you will see the incredible results.


Let`s first understand what could be the problem areas and whom liposuction is recommended. Women often complain of body fat in the abdominal area, on the sides of the waist and hips, problem areas of buttocks, upper arm, area "saddlebags ", back, knees, and calves. In men, excess fat often is localized on the back, waist, abdomen, buttocks, as well as on the chest and neck.


First of all, when addressing the doctor, it is necessary to understand that liposuction allows effectively remove fat in areas required and provides a significant and long-lasting result, but it is not a weight loss method. Liposuction does not allow removing a very large amount of body fat and is not a treatment for obesity.


It should be borne in mind that for manipulation the person needs to have a good general state of health, as well as get acquainted with contraindications. First of all, it includes chronic disease of the internal organs, diabetes mellitus, and acute infectious diseases. Of course, the precise recommendations – whether the operation it fits or does not fit you can be only decided by the doctor. 

Before & After Photo Gallery

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After Ринопластика 4
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After Контурна пластика (Фейсліфт)

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