About clinic

Plastic Surgery Clinic was founded in 1996. It also includes the Therapeutic, Aesthetic, and Instrumental Cosmetology Departments. Medicell Clinic staff consists of the physicians of higher category and candidates of medical sciences, authors of a number of licensed surgical techniques, working closely and sharing their experiences with the leading international plastic surgeons. The clinic offers face lifting, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, otoplasty, mammoplasty, intimate plasty, liposuction, as well as a wide range of cosmetic procedures, including contour plasty and mesotherapy.

Before & After Photo Gallery

Before Ринопластика 4
After Ринопластика 4
Before Контурная пластика (Фэйслифт)
After Контурная пластика (Фэйслифт)

Ukraine, 03035, Kyiv, Kudriashova Street, 20B

(complex "FOUR SEASONS", tower "Autumn")

(095) 654-03-03, (044) 520-19-19 ( -17, -24, - 27)