Face lift

Each of us dreams about how to stay young and attractive as long as possible, and captivate others with their appearance. But at times, standing before the mirror, we begin to see how the facial skin are susceptible Relentless time: it loses its tone, there are fine lines, lowered corners of her mouth, changed the face oval, etc. Expensive creams and traditional medicine are powerless in the fight for the preservation of your youth. So many men and women in the modern world have resorted to new methods of facial plastics, which are aimed at the rejuvenation of the skin and the elimination of certain defects. 


Dreaming of dimples? Or do you want to adjust their shape? Or maybe you are tired terribly horrible bags under the eyes that make your eyes expressionless, and his face - tired and lifeless? All these problems of person striving for the ideal of physical beauty can be addressed through the plastic surgery.

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Varieties of operations:

Lifting of the midface - a progressive way of rejuvenation, the result of which is a fresh, attractive and smart appearance. This type of plastic can help you to cope with a number of age-related problems:  



  • appearance of bags in painting the cheeks;
  • accumulation of fatty tissue under the eyes;
  • pronounced relief tear trough, the border between the lower eyelid and cheek;
  • increasing the height of the lower eyelid;
  • overhang of nasolabial folds. 


SOOF lift, a type of facial plastic middle zone - is the perfect option for those patients who have significantly marked age-related changes around the eyes and on the cheeks. In addition, if you are unhappy with the results of a blepharoplasty, which is removed in the process of fatty tissue under the eyes, SOOF lift can easily cope with this problem.

The main objective of SOOF lift (Suborbicularis Oculi Fat Lift) is re-arrangement of adipose tissue in the area under the eyes, leading to a significant improvement in the form nasolacrimal furrow and elimination of the "sunken" look effect. 


What is the main point of the operation?

During the SOOF lift procedure the specialist conducts so-called fat preserving blepharoplasty. Are you familiar with the problem of "sunken" lower eyelid, which appeared as a result of the previous blepharoplasty?

This effect is caused by soft tissue deficits and "unsheathing" bone in the orbit edge of the lower eyelid. The fat preserving blepharoplasty keeps body fat and distributes it along the bottom edge of the orbit, evenly covering the bone. Thus, a flat, smooth, aesthetically attractive suborbital area is being formed.


How the SOOF lift is performed?

Midface lift using fat preservation technique of blepharoplasty takes place under general anesthesia and takes about 1.5 - 2 hours. The surgeon makes a small incision at the edge of the lower eyelid, ciliary in series. Intraorbital fat drops over the edge of the orbit and spread evenly to fill the tear trough the problem area. Thereafter SOOF is fixed to the periosteum of the zygomatic bone and the edge of the orbit seams. 


Bags under the eyes: causes

Bags under the eyes and on cheeks, midface edema is the fairly common problem faced by our patients. The causes of these phenomena may be kidney disease or endocrine system, but what to do if you - a healthy person? How to eliminate this unpleasant aesthetic flaw?

The bags in the lower eyelid and cheekbone - are consequences of accumulation and relaxation of the stroma of adipose tissue, which has the ability to detain and store the liquid. 


How to remove bags under the eyes?

The fat preservation blepharoplasty in this case is powerless and even can lead to negative consequences (swelling and strengthen the lower eyelid deformation). Our specialists eliminate this problem by endoscopic midface sculpture - by moving tissues in the jaw and cheeks. With the help of endoscopic instruments Specialist in tissue detaches the midface and fixes them at the outer corner of the eye, the right eye slit forms, eliminates fine lines (by removing excess skin).

The progress of the procedure is strictly individual, as it depends on the anatomical features of the structure of the patient`s face.Surgical correction of paint bags recommended in combination with these methods face plastics as stranded lifting or forehead lift. 


What awaits you after surgery?

After conducting the operation the intradermal suture has a bandage imposed, which can be removed after only a day after surgery. The first 3-4 days you will see a small swelling and bruising. Slight pain is possible. To minimize these effects, try to keep the head always in an elevated position, make a compress using ice cubes. Full effect of the operation you will be able to enjoy at the end of two months. 


Contradictions to midface lift

You should refrain from conducting plastics in the event that you suffer from high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system or the thyroid gland, diabetes, infectious and oncological diseases, severe diseases of organs and systems; if you have problems with blood clotting.

A clear outline of the cheekbones and slightly sunken cheeks always give the face an aristocratic appearance. While the chubby cheeks of adults have always been associated with the peasant origins. Perhaps this is true, and you may even be proud of its roots, but it is very, very much want to look like something aristocratic ... what? There is an exit! Simple operation is to reduce the fat cheeks, and man virtually instantly overcomes several steps on the social ladder.

This is the overall visual effect after removing the fat cheeks of the body. 


The fat body is located below the zygomatic cheek part between the skin and the mucous membrane of the cheeks.This dense cluster of lumps, called buccal fat pad fat, namely the removal of lumps allows for reducing the volume of the cheeks. 


Why not liposuction?

Indeed, liposuction cheeks before actually practiced (and in some clinics and to this day), but modern plastic surgeons it was abandoned for several reasons:

- Firstly, liposuction cheeks dangerous high risk of damage to important anatomical structures that are rich in this area;

- Secondly, the result of the operation is weakly expressed or absent;

- Third, a high probability of infection.

Therefore, many experts agreed that at this point resection (removal) cells Bisha - this is the most effective and safest method of "weight loss" cheeks.


 Indications for operation

Apply this operation only in those patients who have a genetic predisposition to the chubby cheeks, because in some cases this kind of cheeks occurs from an early age, and the age-fat layer itself decreases. In this case, when the operation results will be added to age-related changes, a person can buy an unhappy, haggard look. In this case, change anything it would be difficult - Remote sucking pad is not reduced.


What is the main point of the operation?

From the buccal mucosa and perform a small incision through the required amount of fat removed. Exactly how much - it depends on the individual person. Also take into account the skin type and shape of the face, for example, if a person is full, and the skin is thick, remove the larger volume of fat, because "falling short" of his, you can not see the effect. If a person is thinner - less fat will be taken subsequently to not get "tired" face. In any case, this should be decided by the surgeon, given the patient`s wishes and seeking harmonious aesthetic shape of the face – based on experience, professionalism, and aesthetic taste the result depends. 


Alternatively, when lumps of Bichat not excised and transferred to the zygomatic bone. After these manipulations, the incision was sutured, it is applied to the gasket disinfectant and the outside of the elastic band is fixed. 


What are the features of the recovery period?

During the recovery period you need to be careful in the selection of food: it is better to confine the liquid and eliminate the foods that can bring an infection in the wound (eg, raw fish (sushi, herring), raw fruits, and vegetables). It should be taken care when brushing your teeth and the first week after surgery to talk less. 


When it is possible to evaluate the result?

Evaluate the result can be no earlier than 2-3 weeks, when post-surgical swelling will go and see the final effect after 4-5 months. 


What combine the removal of body fat cheeks?

This is a completely independent operation, but it may be combined with a variety of rejuvenation operations at "severe" oval face and deep nasolabial folds; This operation may be combined with implantation of cheekbones or chin liposuction zone. 

This is a surgical procedure that will draw on the cheeks the "angel kiss". But it all begins with a consultation with a plastic surgeon, a discussion of the size, appearance, shape, depth of dimples. 


It`s hard to find a man indifferent to the natural charm of the dimples. It seems that the holders to manage much more than other mortals: bosses evoke sympathy and admiration of the opposite sex, to win the hearts of the most impregnable of teachers and professors, and, in general, it is difficult to deny anything, because they are cuties. 


The formation of dimples on the cheeks the great zygomatic muscle is responsible, which decreases with a smile. Located all this muscle at people differently, and because in some, it is by cutting with a smile, tightens segment cheek inside, while others - not. And by the way, natural dimples with age may be lost - this is due to the stretching of muscles or thinning of the fat layer, in some cases, for two reasons at once.


Is it possible to "paint" dimples using methods of plastic surgery?

If nature did not give you such a nice and useful feature of life, it is possible to represent dimples with the help of plastic surgery. Operation is simple, and, most importantly, no one will understand anything - just something new and special in a smile appears. And from what - to explain is not necessary.


 What is the main point of the operation?

The formation of dimples does not provide for resecting tissue, but tissue separation apart, to form a tunnel from the mucosa to the subdermal layer by greater zygomatic muscle, followed by the formation of fibrous cord, skin retractor time smile. Between the mucosa and skin the absorbable suture thread is applied. 

The duration of this operation is 15-30 min., Performed under local anesthesia. The patient on the same day can go home. Sutures are not required to remove after dimplectomy as tissues are fixed with absorbable biological strands. 


What to expect after surgery?

You should be prepared for the facts that the first time (2-3 weeks after surgery, and sometimes more) dimple will remain on the face and without a smile, and when the thread will resolve, and straighten the skin surface, the cheek again acquire their usual shape. And the same postoperative scar on the inner side cheeks will remain, and it will be with a smile to form the desired dimple. Indications for dimplectomyAbsolutely all the people and those with chubby cheeks and owners lean cheeks. All dimples acquired by means of a plastic surgeon will look completely natural.


 What are the features of the recovery period?

During the rehabilitation period it is necessary to regularly rinse the mouth disinfectants. The first few days, avoid solid foods. 

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