Abdomen plasty

The beautiful tummy is a dream for everyone, but unfortunately, not everyone is able to accomplish this on its own. And you want to show off on the beach or even in the mirror and admire ideal figure. And the fashion trends constantly suggest girls to bare bellies, but to follow this trend can only the owners of the flat and the beautiful belly. By the way, not only women dream of ideal forms, very often, the men want to improve their body. 


Do not be discouraged if you can not get a beautiful shape through diet, exercise, and sports massages. Very often the problem lies in the genetic predisposition or appears after pregnancy, and possibly unsightly view of the abdomen is acquired as a result of age-related changes. These defects are very difficult to change through sport, and sometimes even impossible. And get rid of the hernia, or change the shape of the navel you can only with help of a plastic surgeon. 


To get started you should figure out what problems can be solved by abdominoplasty (tummy plasty). Of course, all customer requirements can be reduced to one - to improve the external appearance of the abdomen, but among the most common we can identify the following:


 - remove excess fat in the abdominal area;

- eliminate the sag apron;

- remove stretch marks;

- tighten the abdominal muscles;

- create a beautiful waist;

- remove the hernia;

- move the navel or create a new form. 


Let’s find out, what are the methods of abdominoplasty and what each of them intends for. 

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Varieties of operations:

This type of abdominal surgical correction is the most voluminous and can solve several problems at once. This manipulation removes excess fatty tissue, excises the excess skin folds, tightens the abdominal muscles, and eliminates stretches, moves to the new position the navel or forms a new, simulated waist.

Depending on he problem a particular method is used. For example, if you need to remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles, then do the horizontal incisions in the lower abdomen, and when it is necessary to remove excess skin from the surrounding areas (usually the hip and back), then make additional cuts in these areas.

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, and the duration of the operation depends on its complexity - from 2 to 5 hours. It is important to know that after such an operation scars - unavoidable, however, they are positioned so that undergarments can be closed. In addition, there are many options for correcting scar of which you will find out in the clinic. 


Partial abdominoplasty result can be seen in 3 weeks, but the final effect will be noticeable after 5-6 months. In the postoperative period, the patient must comply with doctor`s advice and wear a special compression garment. It is important to know that abdominoplasty gives long-lasting effect, but its duration depends on the patient - you need to watch your weight, eat right and exercise. 

The abdominal skin may lose aesthetic appearance and droop due to various reasons, for example due to rapid weight loss, pregnancy, and aging. In most cases fight such defect can only with plastic surgery.In abdomen lift the surgeon will remove excess skin in the abdominal wall - from the navel to the pubis area. Then the muscle wall of the abdomen is stretched and sutured skin flaps. Sometimes this operation is combined with liposuction or correction of some defects of the abdominal wall.

Plasty of the anterior abdominal wall "Hanging belly" is a problem familiar to parous women, as well as those who quickly lose a lot of weight. This defect arises from the fact that the abdominal muscles lose their tone and return it without plastics is impossible. To make the stomach beautiful shape, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen and remove fatty tissue and excess skin. After that stretch the muscles of the abdominal wall, and the navel is moved to a new location. 


This operation lasts for 2-3 hours, and after the manipulation the patient is established with drainage for 2-3 weeks. Of course, the effect of the operation depends on the skill of the physician, but its duration – only on the patient. Recovering of a nice tummy requires a care of it - correct and moderate feed intake and physical activities. 

Skin and fat folds on the stomach are called "apron" and this problem requires attention, because it is not only aesthetic. Often people with this defect have the digestive system disorders, pain in the back and diaper rash in the area.

Most often, the surgeon is addressed with this problem from woman who gave birth to a large baby, however, "apron" may occur for other reasons.

To deal with such folds is possible only with the help of miniabdominoplasty –  type of plastic surgery in the abdomen. 


During the operation, the doctor makes excision of the anterior abdominal wall without moving the navel. Sometimes during manipulation other problems are solved - eliminates stretch marks on the skin formed after birth. 


Miniabdominoplasty  has a great advantage - operational incision is made in the natural crease above the pubis and sutured cosmetic seam. Thus, the scar is almost invisible and easily locked up with undergarments. 

It is no a secret that labour often affect a woman`s body not  in the best way, but it can greatly overshadow the joy of motherhood. To be the most beautiful mummy and delight the husband, and, of course, itself, the girl should address to a plastic surgeon.

Of course, after the birth most women have problems with the abdomen. If before labour you had a beautiful belly, after pregnancy numerous problems arise. Intensity of tissue changes depends on the size of the abdomen, and individual characteristics of the skin, but it is possible to identify the main problems of parous women: 


- skin and fat "apron" in the lower abdomen;

- post-operative scars;

- extensions that provide a kind of flabby skin;

- umbilical hernia;

- the presence of bands stretched skin. 


All these defects are addressed by the skilful abdominoplasty surgeon. Plasty allows you to reconstruct the anterior abdominal wall of the abdomen, remove excess fat and skin tissue and restore the tone of the anterior abdominal wall.


However, the operation should be done only after the body completely recovers to normal after childbirth, and if you do not plan another pregnancy. Otherwise, the operation would be meaningless, because the result will be lost.

Another abdomen problem is its excessive roundness that is not resolved by the exercises. Rounding of abdomen is due to diastasis - increasing the distance between the rectus abdominis muscle. This problem can be dealt with using plastic corset.


In the process of "internal corset" procedure the special suture fixes not the muscle, but its hard shell. Also it is possible the internal pull-up, both in the horizontal and vertical directions.


It is important to know that abdomen corset plasty resolves not only an aesthetic problem, but also prevents the development of pathologies. 

Sometimes, the abdomen defect is not severe or does not have an expressed nature, but provides a lot of concerns to its "owner". Miniabdominoplasty is an abdomen plasty technique aimed at getting rid of these small shortcomings. 


Comparing this method with a complete abdominoplasty it is worth noting that it is more gentle and leaves virtually no scars, but not inferior to other techniques. Miniabdominoplasty often takes a long time - about 1-2 hours. 


This operation is recommended for patients who need to tighten the skin in the abdomen without the "suture" of muscles; adjust one of the abdominal wall or areas where you want to remove stretch marks.

Women know that the details are exactly what you should pay attention to. If you look at the belly with this point of view, we can understand that even a perfect tummy can be spoiled with an ugly navel. This problem can be congenital or acquired, for example, after the cut umbilical hernia or after plastic surgery on the abdomen. Also, the appearance of the navel may change after the labour or be part of the age-related changes.

The operation, which can restore or create a beautiful navel, is called umbilicoplasty. It can be one of the stages of abdominoplasty or independent operation. 


Such manipulation requires from the surgeon of very neat, almost delicate, work and special professional "flair", which the experienced doctors of our clinic have.

Such an operation is required by patients with overweight, yet it is rarely carried out. This type of abdomen plasty is problematic due to the fact that the process in the upper region of scarring can cause complications.


If the operation can not be avoided, the surgeon aims to make a minimal incision to provide the wound surface to be small. 

An interesting fact is that this operation became the initial step of abdominal plasty. More than a hundred years ago, an American surgeon John Hopkins conducted hernia repair and "by the way" performed the aesthetic correction. This "desire for beauty" was a very successful experiment, and made history as the first operation on abdomen plasty. Of course, for a hundred years, a hernia operation has changed considerably, but so far it is combined with a solution of aesthetic problems. 


But above all, this operation is indicated in the umbilical and inguinal hernias, spigelian hernia, diastasis recti, with the white line of the abdomen. All these cases require surgery, and it is important to go to the clinic as soon as possible. Since hernia is a dangerous lesion, which may not bother, and afterwards cause the most dangerous consequences. Further, hernia gradually increases in volume, creating not only health hazard but also delivering the physical discomfort. 


Hernia can be removed in two different ways - open or endoscopic. Either way of the operation is performed with anesthesia (local or general) and lasts for 30-40 minutes. 

Before & After Photo Gallery

Before Абдоминопластика
After Абдоминопластика
Before Абдоминопластика
After Абдоминопластика
Before Пластика живота
After Пластика живота
Before Пластика живота
After Пластика живота
Before Миниабдоминопластика
After Миниабдоминопластика
Before Миниабдоминопластика
After Миниабдоминопластика
Before Миниабдоминопластика
After Миниабдоминопластика
Before Миниабдоминопластика
After Миниабдоминопластика
Before Пластика пупка
After Пластика пупка
Before Полная абдоменопластика, липосакция живот, фланки.
After Полная абдоменопластика, липосакция живот, фланки.
Before Полная абдоменопластика, липосакция живот, фланки.
After Полная абдоменопластика, липосакция живот, фланки.
Before Абдоминопластика
After Абдоминопластика
Before Абдоминопластика
After Абдоминопластика
Before Абдоминопластика
After Абдоминопластика
Before Абдоминопластика
After Абдоминопластика

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(095) 654-03-03, (044) 520-19-19 ( -17, -24, - 27)