Injection cosmetology is a branch of aesthetic medicine, associated with the administration of special substances subcutaneously, intradermally or intramuscularly. Injection techniques are good because they provide quick and tangible results due to targeted delivery of active substances directly in those layers of the skin or muscle, where it is needed. Due to the injection cosmetology the effective rejuvenation treatments, toning and moisturizing the skin became available.Injection cosmetology is slightly painful procedure, before which the patient has a special cream applied to "freeze" the skin. This allows avoiding the unpleasant sensations.
are poisonous substances of protein nature, among the most poisonous toxins, which are derived from the anaerobic soil bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In cosmetology, botulinum toxins are used to block the transmission of impulses from nerve endings directly to the muscles. As a result, the mimic muscles are unable to perceive the signal to contract and as a result, the expression lines are smoothed.
Dysport and Botox are medications made with botulinum toxin (a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum). Dysport and Botox are different in composition, but fulfil the same function ? wrinkle smoothing and skin rejuvenation. Dysport is produced by the French company Beafour-Ipsen-Speywood, the strain of bacteria is not disclosed.
Botox is produced by the American company Allergan, based on a strain of botulinum, type A. Different dosages of these drugs are used to achieve the same effect. There are no differences in overall effectiveness. Only nuances are important, taking into account which the doctor makes a choice in favour of one or the other drug.
Relaxation of facial muscles of tension in order to get rid of wrinkles. As a result of the action of the preparation, superficial wrinkles and wrinkles of medium depth disappear by 100% and deep wrinkles by 70%.
Scope of application:
Preparations based on botulinum toxins are used to correct age-related changes in the upper third of the face: forehead, bridge of the nose, orbital zone (eye area).The use of drugs in the middle and lower thirds of the face is possible when the procedure is performed by an experienced cosmetologist.
After the first injection of botulinum toxin-based preparations, there is a visible persistent effect, which lasts on average from 3 to 6 months. After repeated injections, the effect usually increases ? up to 9 months.
When to perform:
The procedure can be performed at any time of the year.
After the procedure can not: 3-4 hours to lie down in a horizontal position, visit the sauna, fitness. If you want to get the effect by a certain date, visit the doctor 3 weeks at least before the planned event.