PReP (platlets reached plasma) is a unique method of non-surgical facial rejuvenation based on the use of platelet-rich plasma of the patient.


Platelets are the blood cells responsible for the synthesis of growth factors and repair of connective tissues - muscles, tendons, skin, bone, and collagen. Such an effect the platelets begin to exert only at a concentration of 1 million cells per unit volume; normal healthy human blood platelets should range from 180 to 230 


To enrich the plasma with platelets, to date there are several techniques within the territory of the former Soviet Union: RegenLab, and PReP: 


In RegenLab and Plasmolifting the blood is being centrifuged and passed through a chemical filter, after which the patient is administered a certain layer of the plasma from on top as a result of this treatment.


In PReP the blood is being centrifuged but does not contact with any filter. This is the method that we use in our clinic. It is the only method scientifically confirmed and verified by independent studies of the best university clinics in the US and provides for uptake in the problem area of the required number of platelets in comparison with other methods. After all, the severity of the effect in this case depends only and exclusively on the platelet concentration in plasma, and not on any other factor. 



PReP injection activates the functioning of tissue cells by activating the body`s own reserves without any drastic measures. After the platelet enriched plasma is injected under a specific pattern into the dermis of client, new fibers of collagen and elastin start developing, as well as natural skin tightening, lightening and self-moisturization. The procedure does not require anesthesia, but on request the topic anesthesia may be performed. 


Application area:

The procedure is indicated for persons after the age of 30-35 years, when the first signs emerge of skin aging and cosmetic defects. The procedure is performed to improve the turgor of the skin, eliminate wrinkles, ptosis, stretch marks, as rehabilitation after peels to treat acne and accelerate the healing process of the skin, as well as for the prevention of hair loss problems. 



PReP should be performed 1 time per year in a course consisting of 3 treatments at intervals of not less than 3 weeks between injections (or more). The effect is noticeable within a week. 


When to Perform:

The procedure can be performed at any time of the year. Contraindications to the PReP include severe diseases of internal organs, blood system diseases, viral hepatitis, diabetes, severe inflammation of the skin, pregnancy. It is very important to remember that after the procedure the bruising may occur for 5-6 days, which should be considered when planning the procedures.

Before & After Photo Gallery

Before Ринопластика 4
After Ринопластика 4
Before Контурна пластика (Фейсліфт)
After Контурна пластика (Фейсліфт)

Ukraine, 03035, Kyiv, Kudriashova Street, 20B

(complex "FOUR SEASONS", tower "Autumn")

(095) 654-03-03, (044) 520-19-19 ( -17, -24, - 27)