Contour plasty

Female face has long been recognized as the hallmark of each of us, to which, of course, everyone pays attention - including our loved ones, colleagues and interlocutors, and even passers-by. Knowing this, is there a woman who does not want to have a toned, well-groomed and youthful face? And to be young and beautiful at any age the girls have to start the skincare treatments of face in a young age, listening to completely different recommendations, and using a variety of cosmetics. And what if just a care is already inefficient? Here comes the plastic surgery, or rather its special direction – contour plasty.


All procedures that are relevant to the contouring, help to improve the appearance and skin tone, adjust the contours and chin oval, cheekbones, and cheeks, as well as help to restore lost volume, filling in lines and wrinkles and make lips fuller and clearer, as well as help smooth forehead and even correct a significant asymmetry of the face.Contour plasty has a number of methods, each of which gives the result in a particular area and has its own advantages and disadvantages. Consider the main ones. 

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Varieties of operations:

The most popular procedure of contouring is injection of fillers. They may be of synthetic or natural origin, and used to get rid of wrinkles or other age-related wrinkles occurring on the skin, and also for making volume in the right places. 


Such injections are very popular because they give an excellent result. Moreover, they have one wonderful advantage over other treatments - no surgery. 


How to make the right choice?

In general, there are many dermal types of filler in plastic surgery and to make the best choice, be sure to consult a doctor. Our clinic doctors would not refuse to help and talk in detail about the properties of each of them.

For information: all the fillers differ in composition and principle of operation. First of all, the choice of filler is necessary to consider biocompatibility with human tissue: Filer does not cause allergic reactions and should be fixed in the right place, and not spread to other tissues in the body.

Changing the contour of the face when the patient is transplanted or injected its own fat cells is called lipoplasty. Of course, fat doesn’t make up anyone, and there is no person who would not want to get rid of them, but on the contrary they are very useful in the field of plastic surgery. It is the fat cells that contained a high concentration of stem cells, protein hormones, and growth factors. 


As practice shows for such manipulations, the transplanting fat from problem areas on the face gives a fantastic result, which is one of the most effective methods of rejuvenation. 


How it works?

In most cases, by increasing the volume of tissue in some areas of the face and alignment of its contour.

Another advantage of this procedure: own fat cells readily take root and do not cause allergic reactions and it means that the recovery period does not last long and, in general, easily tolerated by the patient.

During lipoplasty (lipofilling) own fat tissue is used for the injection like spies. Adipose tissue is filled with folds; wrinkles are smoothed out and desired volume is achieved. The advantage of this procedure is that it is safe, because your own fat tissue do not cause allergies.

 Patients who were treated in the clinic of plastic surgery not only have problems with wrinkles or excess fat deposits, there are those who want to carve out a part of the face. This procedure is called arthroplasty, and usually involves the allocation of a specific part of the face. In such cases, generally silicone or other synthetic implants are used placed in the desired area through small incisions. 


The most common prosthetic is within the cheekbones area, because the highlighted cheekbones give the face some beauty and charm. Incisions are made in the oral cavity and will not visible to others. 


The second facial zone popular after prosthetic  of cheekbones is the area of chin, which can "blend in" with the whole face and not be retracted, usually women do not like it because of the unaesthetic look and therefore they address the plastic surgery clinics to correct this defect. 


Such operations are carried out in two ways – first, incision is made in the bottom of the chin, and the second, implant is inserted through the oral mucosa. Consider one more thing: chin prosthesis does not change the bite. 


By the way, the jaw prosthesis is not suitable for all patients. Usually, this procedure is indicated to those who have pronounced taper bottom points of the face, or the face is very thin, pointed shape to the bottom. During this procedure the implant is introduced into the outermost point in the lower jaw.

Those indications also apply to larger angles of the mandible when there is excessive lightness lower face.As a rule, such prosthesis is popular among men who want their face to look more masculine.However, there are some contraindications here: severe somatic disease (disease of the internal organs); infectious diseases; oncological diseases; coagulation disorders; diabetes. In any case, the solution to your  this or that operation, can be solved only by an experienced doctor.

A person as well as any part of the body may have excess body fat - it can be the chin area and neck, and cheeks, and by yourself it is very difficult to get rid of these defects, but it also happens that not impossible. In this case the best way out is facial liposuction.


But always remember that it is this procedure that will not replace physical exercises or healthy diet. This is just a way to get rid of fat in those places where other remedies do not work. It is suitable for those who have already lost weight and want to give the image even more subtlety, as well as patients who have "baby" fat under the chin and cheeks.


Comparative characteristics of facial liposuction with operations in other areas has shown that it is this procedure requires high skill of the surgeon, because the process of removing fat is carried out with the help of miniature tools in an area rich with blood vessels, nerves and other important anatomical structures.

But the main advantage of facial liposuction is that it is not just the removal of excess fatty tissue, but  "sculpting"  the face, that is making the right contour. After these operations, patients often complain of mild discomfort, and in the very first week after the procedure it is very likely that bruising and minor swelling occur, but the subsequent effect provides for many to make such sacrifices. 

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After Липомоделирования лица. Липосакция щечно-подбородочной облисти лица
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Before Протезирование подбородка и угла нижней челюсти
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After Липомоделирования лица. Липосакция щечно-подбородочной облисти лица
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After Полная  SMAS и Platysma- пластика лица, полная блефаропластика, липопластика лица
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