Female face has long been recognized as the hallmark of each of us, to which, of course, everyone pays attention - including our loved ones, colleagues and interlocutors, and even passers-by. Knowing this, is there a woman who does not want to have a toned, well-groomed and youthful face? And to be young and beautiful at any age the girls have to start the skincare treatments of face in a young age, listening to completely different recommendations, and using a variety of cosmetics. And what if just a care is already inefficient? Here comes the plastic surgery, or rather its special direction – contour plasty.
All procedures that are relevant to the contouring, help to improve the appearance and skin tone, adjust the contours and chin oval, cheekbones, and cheeks, as well as help to restore lost volume, filling in lines and wrinkles and make lips fuller and clearer, as well as help smooth forehead and even correct a significant asymmetry of the face.Contour plasty has a number of methods, each of which gives the result in a particular area and has its own advantages and disadvantages. Consider the main ones.